About the Company

Now entering our third year as a non-profit community theatre, Greenville Theatre Works seeks to develop local artists and build an inclusive and welcoming theatre company for our region. We also work to create theatrical productions that are both professional and engaging.
We appreciate our supporters and hope to see you at our next auditions, our next show, or backstage helping us make theatre!
Board of Directors
Our current board of directors is working to grow GTW into a broad, community-minded theatre company that creates engaging stories for all people in our beautiful Texas hometown.
Board Members
President - James Owsley
Vice President - Avery Arnold
Secretary - Britney Spindle
Membership - VACANT
Treasurer - LaNell Brown
Member - Kelle Pogue
Member - Heather McBay
Member - Bill Trelc
Member - Randal Doud
Member - Madison Freeman
Member - Bryan Beckner
Member - Douglas Rawdah
Member - Kat Elliott
Member - Tim Sheldon​​
Mission Statement: To create accessible, engaging, high-quality, professional productions, while building equity in our community and supporting local artists.
Vision Statement: Build an inclusive, engaging and professional community theatre company that positively impacts our community for decades to come.
Artistic Director
Micah McBay
I'm so glad you found our website and our company. The goal of GTW is to provide a welcoming, inclusive space to create engaging theatre for our community. You can now become a "Member" of our company by making an annual donation to help us with our work. Other ways to support our work are through donations, auditioning for shows, working backstage, helping with fundraising and marketing, or just by coming to the shows and enjoying the end product. ​
As we work together to create theatre for our community, we are also building a family of artists who support one another through this work. Creating art takes immense courage and energy and having a group of supportive people around you helps everyone grow together.
I hope to see you soon at one of our shows, auditions, or work days, and thank you for supporting community theatre here in Greenville!